

2025 Budget

GIS Map City of Creede



Zoning Map


Building Permits
Building permits are required for all new construction, additions, remodels and alterations of existing buildings, excavations and the demolition of existing buildings.
Film Permit
Approved Filming in Creede
Gym Event Application
This is to rent the Virginia Christensen Multi Use Facility (Gym).
Inspection Request
Building Inspection
Land Use Application
Land-use regulation is the process of regulating the use of land by a central authority. Usually, this is done to promote more desirable social and environmental outcomes as well as a more efficient use of resources.
Mobile Retail Food Permit
This policy applies to food trucks, as defined by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. This policy does not apply to mobile retailers associated with special events, private parties, or farmers’ markets; but licensing requirements may still apply.
Parade Permit Application
This is for if you are having an event that requires the temporary use of the street, and needing street closer.
Park Rental
The City of Creede makes its parks available for short-term reservation, rental, and use.
Private Event Permit Application
This permit is simply permission from your local government for your event to be hosted in the location and format that you desire.
Public Records Request
A public records request is a formal application submitted by an individual or organization seeking access to information held by government agencies.
Virginia Christensen Grant
Each spring, applicants (NON-PROFITS) may apply for funding. Please contact City Clerk for Guidelines & Follow-up Reports.
Water & Sewer Service Application
This is if you wish to start a water or sewer utility.


Audits (Final Yearly Financial Statements)
Government auditing provides the objective analysis and information needed to help improve government performance and accountability for the benefit of the American people.

Board of Trustee Meeting Agendas, Packets, & Minutes

An agenda is a list of meeting activities in the order in which they are to be taken up.
Meeting minutes are notes that are recorded during a meeting. They highlight the key issues that are discussed, motions proposed or voted on, and activities to be undertaken.
A set of documents and materials that typically contains agendas, reports, financial statements, and other relevant information compiled for board members and participants to review before a meeting.

City Ordinances

A piece of legislation enacted by a municipal authority.

City Resolutions

A formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, by a formal organization, a legislature, a club, or other group.

Consumer Confidence Reports

Drinking Water Quality
Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), also known as an annual drinking water quality report, to their customers each year by July 1st. These reports provide Americans information about their local drinking water quality.


Liquor Licenses & Permits
Retail License, Supplier License, Retail Establishment Permit, Bed & Breakfast Permit, Special Event Permit, Liquor Sales Room Application, Festivals, Takeout/Delivery Permit

Municipal Code

City Code
Collection of laws passed by City of Creede

Virginia Christensen Grant Agendas & Packets

VC Grant Agendas
An agenda is a list of meeting activities in the order in which they are to be taken up.
VC Grant Packets
A set of documents and materials that typically contains agendas, reports, financial statements, and other relevant information compiled for board members and participants to review before a meeting.
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